Saturday, July 18, 2009

While I'm at it

Today, I've re-entered the world of Tweeting and blogging. I thought that while I'm at it, I'd piss off Google on my very 1st day.
The voice in my head said: SHOO, don't, they're watching, to which I replied, what next? Are they going to listen in on my thoughts too?
Strangely this was something Microsoft was famous for (Yes I use the OUS format and not the Americanized Garbage-bin style of writing). I tried my hand at AdSense, but I think I'm never gonna get paid.
There's a myriad settings you need to perfect, in order to get even a paisa out of them.
I may make changes to these comments in the future, should I receive a cheque from Google.
And while Google's in the picture, I wonder what Chrome OS is gonna be like?
"Open-Source my ass.."

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